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761 entries.
Guillaume Perroud from Villars sur Glane wrote on September 6, 2020 at 5:32 PM
Vous êtes un champion de lillustration
Karima from EPINAY SUR SEINE wrote on July 1, 2020 at 8:11 PM

Je voulais vous féliciter pour le documentaire sur le seigneur des anneaux.
Le portrait que vous avez fait de Merlin-Gandalf est très ressemblant du vrai visage de Merlin. Belle canalisation. Avez vous remarqué que Merlin ressemble à Léonard de Vinci ?

Encore merci pour votre travail.
Jeff wrote on June 26, 2020 at 5:07 PM
I hope that things are going well with you and your family these days. I also wished to thank you for your contributions to fantasy art - especially Tolkien - over the years. I quite enjoyed your Myth & Magic, Forging Dragons, and the somewhat recent Middle-earth Traveller books. Speaking of Middle-earth Traveller, can we expect some of the images from that book to be added to your portfolio on your website?

The reason why I'm writing today; is that I'm interested in possibly obtaining a print of 'Smaug the Golden' : https://www.john-howe.com/portfolio/gallery/data/media/1/Smaug.jpg . Are there any prints for sale, and how much would one cost? If yes, how would one go about obtaining one? That image of Smaug is among my favourite-ever pieces of Tolkien related art. No one does dragons quite like you do.

I know it's included in the long out of print poster collection called Images of Middle-earth, though they go for quite a bit these days on the marketplace. Unless you have a spare one...... 😉 [half joking.]

That's pretty much it! I hope things are going well, and I wish you the best of luck on the art and design on Amazon's Middle-earth series. I also look forward to your new artwork featured in the forthcoming Unfinished Tales 40th anniversary illustrated edition (and the corresponding 2021 Calendar), as well as your forthcoming art in general.

Looking forward to hearing back from you. Have a great weekend!
Sarah Nunn from Carrollton, Texas wrote on April 11, 2020 at 12:06 AM
I can’t remember when I las. Saw something as beautiful and moving as “Winter of the Raven.” It’s so amazing, thanks!
Sam Elgar from London wrote on March 1, 2020 at 4:38 PM
Carved Dwarven pipe -

Hi there John,
I hope this message finds you well.

I recently finished a small project of mine, turning a Dwarven pipe illustration from your book, into a fully functioning hand carved pipe.

Below is a link to some images of the pipe which I believe can just be copied from here. The bird is made of walnut, the stem is oak, and both connected with a steel spacer.

Your illustrations are very informative for craftspeople such as myself.

Very inspiring work. Many thanks.

Stonecarver and sculptor from England.

Jason wrote on February 10, 2020 at 12:28 AM
Thank you for taking the time to read my email. My search for your early artwork led me to your website. It is fantastic to see how it is used as a forum for fans to interact. I know you probably get requests like this from time to time, but I was wondering if you still had any of the paintings you did for Magic earlier in your career? My apologies if this seems random or unusual given its been several years.

If by any chance they are still available I would be very interested in purchasing the paintings if you’re willing to sell. If not I understand perfectly and no worries at all.
Guillaume from Paris wrote on January 21, 2020 at 6:49 AM
Cher John,
J'imagine et espère que vous trouverez ce message quand vous rentrerez de votre dernier et long voyage (intense en ces temps je suppose).
J'avais eu la chance de faire un workshop avec vous à Paris il y a quelques mois, et pour vous dire vos paroles résonnent encore fortement en moi. J'aurai aimé en recevoir tellement d'autres encore.
Je suis tombé par hasard à Noel sur un exemplaire du Voyageur en terre du milieu -tronant désormais fierement chez moi- qui m'a refait voyager et suis émerveillé devant tant de finesse, humour, sensibilité et pragmatisme. De mon coté, tout progresse à bon rythme, je rattrape mon retard, comble plus que jamais mes lacunes et défauts. Et même si mon projet au long cours de livre illustré n'est toujours pas fini, j'en vois la fin et vous enverrai peut être le tout pour avis quand cela sera fini, si cela est digne et si cela ne vous dérange pas.
Je vous souhaite en tout cas beaucoup de bonnes choses, de prendre plaisir à continuer d'explorer des contrées et paysages et de dispenser votre savoir encore longtemps.
A mon niveau, je me replongerai toujours avec un immense plaisir dans vos illustrations et découvrirai prochainement la Suisse en famille avec, au passage, une nouvelle fois une pensée vers vous.
La vie est un voyage, et en tant que tel, ce qui compte, reste le chemin parcouru, ses détours et ses rencontres. Merci pour cette dernière.
Martin from Seoul wrote on December 21, 2019 at 10:09 PM
I noticed your artwork of Wargs on http://tolkiengateway.net/ and followed the link here. I spent about an hour on your site reading everything I cant get enough. I really enjoy the site and what you've done!
Michael Heilemann from New York wrote on December 17, 2019 at 4:52 PM
I hope you can find the time to get your work back onto a store somewhere; the one currently linked to in the artworks is no longer operating. I for one would love to buy some of your Beowulf prints!
grahb uhr wrote on December 9, 2019 at 8:06 PM
interesting site, love your work keep it up